ConnecToledo is a 501(c)3 organization committed to the redevelopment of Downtown Toledo. Funded by the city's leading institutional and corporate organizations, ConnecToledo is committed to facilitating public/private partnerships, promoting events and attractions, investing in planning and projects and advocating for businesses. We build the critical connections for developing vibrant neighborhoods and a strong central business district.
ConnecToledo Receives National Award for The Downtown Toledo Master Plan

ConnecToledo has received the coveted Award of Excellence for their Downtown Toledo Master Plan at the International Downtown Association’s (IDA) annual conference. Receiving the award in the Planning, Design, and Infrastructure category, was Cindy Kerr, vice president.
“It was an honor to accept the award on behalf of ConnecToledo and all the individuals and organizations that participated in the development and execution of our Master Plan. We have accomplished many of the goals in the plan and are on target to complete it. This global recognition is validation of our work and means that our peers see downtown Toledo’s future being as bright as we do.”
The IDA stated, “The Downtown Toledo Master Plan was undertaken as a collaborative and inclusive process, assembled by a broad coalition of public and private sector leaders desiring to improve a struggling downtown. The public was encouraged to participate in three public meetings, submit ideas online and visit several pop-up community input locations, resulting in more than 1,000 ideas and comments. The plan created a community-driven vision for future growth that has led to the dramatic revitalization of downtown Toledo.”
The Downtown Toledo Master Plan was built on the existing momentum in the city and shares a bold vision of a completely rebuilt, accessible and activated riverfront that connects both sides of the Maumee River and identifies new opportunities for downtown and neighborhood reinvestment. The plan extends beyond a vision – outlining 12 Priority Action Items that identify catalytic projects to transform downtown and the policies to support them. For example, it identifies the public/private partnerships required to reinvent the riverfront; makes the case for economic incentives necessary to spur continued residential development in downtown; develops the street typology framework for new mixed-use development; and provides an economic baseline for downtown to grow jobs and attract talent.
“Since the plan was completed in early 2017, more than $244 million of catalytic projects have been completed and another $425 million of investments are funded and underway. With a new vision for downtown, a renewed culture of planning and participation, and a broad coalition working to implement the plan, there is no doubt that Toledo’s greatest days are ahead,” added Kerr.
The Downtown Toledo Master Plan continues to serve as the guiding document for both ConnecToledo and the City of Toledo. It was adopted by Toledo City Council in February 2017. It focuses on:
Six Catalytic Projects:
- Complete the Riverfront Promenade from Monroe Street to Cherry Street
- Advance the Nautical Mile Concept (Anthony Wayne Bridge to I-280 Bridge)
- Acquire Marina District site and develop a Strategy Plan
- Establish an incubation and innovation center downtown
- Start with Summit Street
- Implement Bike Plan, starting with Jefferson Avenue cycle track and connection to the University of Toledo
Six Policies & Strategies:
- Advance a better-connected downtown
- Establish downtown housing incentives
- Identify strategic redevelopment and infill sites
- Conduct a Downtown Economic Plan
- Conduct a Parks Master Plan
- Conduct Convention Center Study and develop a Strategic Plan
Click here to view the Downtown Toledo Master Plan.
About ConnecToledo
ConnecToledo, Downtown Development Corporation, is a non-profit organization dedicated to development and redevelopment of downtown Toledo. ConnecToledo creates a plan of action that facilitates public-private partnership, promotes events and attractions, identifies investment opportunities and advocates for businesses. For more information about ConnecToledo go to For all things downtown, go to